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 Science / Ciencia
a) G E N E R A L:
  1. Athena Science Books. Pierre Perroud
  2. Basic Information Resources for History of Science
  3. Centre d'Information CNRC-ICIST:Catalogues et bases de données
  4. Cultural and Critical Theory
  5. English Links (Freiburg)
  6. General Resources in Science
  7. Global Information Resources for Scientific Databases
  8. Revues scientifiques
  9. Science Resources on the Net (Longwood College)
  10. Science Internet Resources (St. Agnes)
  11. Science Web Resources (Croydon)
  12. SciCentral: index
  13. Science Links (Whitewater School)
  14. Science Resources
  15. Scientific Magazines
  16. WWHL-Online Science Resources
  17. Scientific Resources
  18. Scientific Resources (MIT)
  19. Scientific Resources (Science Journals)
  20. Scientific Web Resources
  21. The Virtual Reference Desk
  22. WEHI-National scientific Web Resources

b) S P E C I A L:


  1. Anthropology Internet Resources
  2. Anthropologie,Ethnologie & Sociologie
  3. Anthropologie,Ethnologie et Sociologie
  4. Anthropology Library (Yale)
  5. Anthropology Resources
  6. Anthropology Resources
  7. Anthropology Resources at the University of Kent
  8. Anthropology Resources on the Internet
  9. Anthropology Resources on the Internet (USA)
  10. Anthropology Resources on The Internet (UK)
  11. Anthropology:Resources (U Delaware)
  12. Antropología en Upsala
  13. Biological Anthropology Links
  14. Dr.Web:Antropología
  15. Ethnologie
  16. IUPUI Anthropology Resources
  17. Internet Resources for Anthropology
  18. Kinship and Social Organization Tutorial
  19. Noticias de Antropología y Arqueología-Equipo NayA
  20. Otras Webs de Ciencias Sociales (Antropología)
  21. Recursos Internet d'Antropologia
  22. Recursos para Cultura e Historia
  23. Resources for Anthropology & Archaeology
  24. Rhodes Anthropology Internet Resources
  25. Selected Internet Resources in Anthropology (Northwestern University)
  26. Scicentral: Best Evolution, Anthropology & Paleonthology Online Resources
  27. Selected Internet Resources in Anthropology (Yale)
  28. SciCentral:Best Evolution, Anthropology & Paleonthology Online Resources
  29. Theoretical Anthropology
  30. Web Resources and Anthropology


  1. Ancient Middle America
  2. Anthropology-Archaeology Resources
  3. Archaeology Department (Wales)
  4. Archaeology Resources for Education
  5. Arqueología
  6. Egypt Archaeology
  7. History & Archaeology Resources (Maryland)
  8. Institute of Archaeology Resources
  9. Mesopotamia.Israel and the Ancient Middle East
  10. Rome:Archaeological Resources
  11. Southern Archaeology Resources


  1. Architecture Resources (Virginia)
  2. Architecture Resources (Norwich)
  3. Architecture Resources on the Web
  4. Architecture Resources on the World Wide Web
  5. Landscape Architecture Resources
  6. LAVA Architectural Site Links
  7. Library of Architecture-internet resources
  8. School of Architecture-Resource Links
  9. Yale Library Selected Internet Resources: Architecture (Yale U)


  1. Biochemistry Web Resources (Xray)
  2. Biochemistry Web Resources on the Internet (Indiana U)
  3. Chemistry and Biochemistry Resources on the Internet (Haverford)
  4. WWWeb Resources for Biochemistry (Drake)
  5. SciCentral:Best Biochemistry Online Resources


  1. Biogeography (NWU)
  2. Biogeography (NHBS)
  3. Biology Print Resources
  4. Biology Resources
  5. Biology Resources
  6. Biotechnology Resources
  7. Botany online
  8. Evolution Resources from General Biology Texts
  9. Evolution Resources (Gettysburg)
  10. Intenet Resources: Biology (Hartwick)
  11. Life Science Resources
  12. PLANTS
  13. Plant Science Resources
  14. Red Latinoamericana de Botánica
  15. The WWW Ethnobotanical Resource Directory
  16. WWW Biology Resources
  17. Web Biology Resources (Forsyth)


  1. ARC-Biotech
  2. Autres sites reliés á la biotechnologie
  4. Biotechnology Internet Resources
  5. Biotechnology education resources
  6. Biotechnology Resources
  7. Biotechnology Resources
  8. Biotechnology Resources
  9. Biotechnology Resources on the Internet
  10. Biotechnology Resources on the Web
  11. Biotechnology Resources Online
  12. Biotechnology/Biodiversity Resources
  13. Government Biotechnology Resources: Bio Online
  14. Internet Biotechnology Resources
  15. SciCentral:Best Biotechnology Online Resources


  1. American Journal of Philology
  2. Basic Library Resources for Classical Studies
  3. Classical Studies (Iowa U)
  4. Classical Studies Page
  5. Classical Studies Resources at Western
  6. Classical Studies Resources Online
  7. Classical Studies Resources-Classical literature
  8. Classical Studies Subject Guide
  9. Electronic Resources for Classical Studies
  10. Ethnic Literature Resources
  11. French Language & Literature Resources
  12. Internet Resources for Classics
  13. Links to Resources in Linguistics and Literary Theory (Cambridge)
  14. Littérature francaise en ligne
  15. Philology sites
  16. Related Resources for Classical Studies (Wesleyan)
  17. Shae'sPages-Classical Studies Resources.Lingua Latina
  18. Shae's Pages-Classical Studies Resources. Classical Mythology


  1. Chemistry Internet Resources
  2. Internet Chemistry Resources
  3. VRJC:Chemistry Resources


  1. Department of Computer Sciences (U Brack)
  2. Library Information: Computer Sciences
  3. Mathematics and Computer Science Library Collection & Resources
  4. Quick Search the Internet
  5. Resources of the Computational Sciences
  6. Search Engine Watch
  7. Scientific Resources
  8. WWW Resources in Computer Sciences


  1. Communication, Mass Media Resources
  2. Communication Theory
  3. Communication Theory Resources
  4. Journalism & Mass Communication Resources
  5. Journalism Mass Media Resources
  6. Institute for Global Communication
  7. Mass Communication Resources
  8. Mass Media Resources:the Gateway
  9. Political Economy of Mass Media
  10. Progresive Economists Network
  11. Rhetoric
  12. Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center
  13. The Film Theory Web Page
  14. WWW Resources in Communications


  1. Demography
  2. Demography ANU Resources
  3. Demography Resources
  4. Demography resources (US)
  5. Internet Resources-Demography and Population
  6. Population, Migration, Demography
  7. Recursos Demografía, Desarrollo Urbano y Medio Ambiente
  8. Selected Sociology and Demographic Resources on the Web
  9. Selected WWW Resources:Demography.Population
  10. The World Wide Web of Demography


  1. Earth Science Resources
  2. Earth Science Resource (Scottsdale)
  3. Earth Science Resources (Berkshire)
  4. Geology Resources
  5. Geology WWW Resources (Rhodes)
  6. Geology WWW Resources (U. Oregon)
  7. Links to Great Earth-Science Resources
  8. MEL:Earth Science Resources
  9. OMNI Resources (Maps)
  10. Physical Geography Internet Links


  1. Agricultural Economy on the Web
  2. Current Economic Archives
  3. Economy Web International
  4. Economics,Economists and the Economy
  5. Economics:General information sources
  6. ECONOMARX (U. Paris)
  7. IAN Web Resources-International Political Economy
  8. International Political Economy
  9. International Political Economy Resources
  10. Internet Economy Resources
  11. Political Economy Resources
  12. Progressive Economists Network
  13. Russian Economy Internet Resources
  14. Recursos Utiles de Historia Económica en Internet
  15. EL Sistema Monetario Internacional: Recursos útiles.
  16. Virtual Seminar in Global Political Economy Internet Resources


  1. Global Access to Educational Sources
  2. Directorio de Recursos Internet:Educación
  3. Educación a Distancia.Recursos en Internet
  4. EDUCADIS.Educación a Distancia
  5. Education Resources
  6. Educational Resources
  7. Educational Resources for Everyone
  8. Educational Resources on the WWW
  9. Education,The Management of resources.Structures and Operations.
  10. FMM Education
  11. Instructor Resources
  12. Internet/ingénierie éducative
  13. IT.Education management
  14. K-12 Science Education Resources(Bill Beaty's Homepages)
  15. Lexique de Technologie Éducative
  16. Links to Educational Resources
  17. Multicultural Education Resources
  18. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
  19. Nuevas tendencias en la gestión educativa
  20. Projets en télematique éducative
  21. Quick and Dirty Educator Links
  22. Recursos de Educación en Internet
  23. Recursos de Interés Educativo
  24. Recursos Pedagógicos
  25. Resources for Education Management
  26. Science Education Resources on the Web
  27. Science Education Resources
  28. Technologie éducative
  29. Technologie éducative
  30. Technology & Learning
  31. UNESCO
  32. Universidades Virtuales


  1. GENETICS (Vassar College)
  2. Genetics Resources (Montana Tech.University)
  3. Genetics WWW Resources (U.Cambridge)
  4. Genetics Resources on the Internet-Towpkins-McCaw Library
  5. Human Genetic Resources (U.Iowa)


  1. Active Maps World Wide
  2. Atlas: Everquest
  3. Economic Geography Links
  4. Encarta Virtual Globe Online
  5. Geografía Humana
  6. Geographic Fields
  7. Geography Resources
  8. Internet Resources for Geography and Geology
  9. MapMachine
  10. Menú de Geografía Humana
  11. Physical Geography Resources
  12. Recursos Geografía
  13. Recursos Geografía AMÉRICA LATINA
  14. World Atlas
  15. World Atlas in arabic
  1. Alternative Medicine
  2. Alternative Complementary Medicine Information Resources
  3. Dr Web-Anestesiología
  4. Dr.Web: Inmunología
  5. Dr.Web:Oftalmología
  6. Dr.Web:Patología
  7. Experimental Medicine WWW Resources
  8. General Medical & Medical Informatic resources
  9. Health Informatic Resources
  10. HMS BEAGLE:The BioMedNet Magazine
  11. Internet Resources for Medical Professionals-Links
  12. Institute of the History of Medicine-Electronic Resources
  13. Internet Resources:Pediatrics
  14. Lista de Correo Anestesiología en Español
  15. Medicina Interna y Emergencias
  16. Medical Resources on the Web (AMSA)
  17. Medically Related and Scientific Sites
  18. Medical Resources on the Web (Humboldt)
  19. Medical Resources (Forsyth)
  20. MedWeb (Emory U)
  21. Nuclear Medicine Resources on the WWW
  22. Pediatrics On Line-Resources for Professionals
  23. SciCentral:Best Pediatrics Online Resources
  24. SciCentral:Best Telemedicine Online Resources
  25. SciCentral: Best Public Health Online Resources
  26. Tropical Medicine Internet Resources
  27. Veterinary Comparative Medicine Sites NetVet
  28. Veterinary Medicine Resources (Iowa St.U.)


  1. African and African-American History resources
  2. African History Internet Resources
  3. African History Resources
  4. The Ancient World Web
  5. A2Z:Arts & Humanities: History: Renaissance: Resources & References
  6. British History Resources
  7. Deutsche Geschichte
  8. European History Resources
  9. French History Internet Resources
  10. Generalities-French History Resources
  11. German History Links
  12. Germany History Resources
  13. HISPANIA NOVA-generales
  14. HISPANIA NOVA-enlaces globales
  15. HISPANIA NOVA-enlaces
  16. Histoire (Unice, France)
  17. History Links
  18. History:Resources at SFU and Beyond
  19. Index of Resources for Historians
  20. Links about India
  21. Links about Indian History
  22. Medieval & Rennaissance Links
  23. Medieval History Links
  24. Medieval History Links
  25. Medieval History Net Links
  26. Medieval History Resources
  27. MEL:African History Resources
  28. MEL:Ancient History Resources
  29. Military History Links on the Web
  30. Military History Resource
  31. Military History Resources
  32. Other Links:Italian History Pages
  33. Praxisworks:Medieval European History News & Resources
  34. Recommended History Resources
  35. Recursos para Cultura e Historia
  36. Recursos internacionales sobre América Latina
  37. Rëpertoire de resources électroniques en histoire
  38. History Resources in the Internet
  39. Resources for Military History
  40. Resources in French History
  41. U.S.History Resources
  42. University of St.Thomas,History Resources


  1. Códigos (diferentes países)
  2. Códigos 1
  3. Códigos de la República de Chile
  4. Códigos de léis (Brasil)
  5. Códigos de Nicaragua
  6. Constitución Política y leyes de México
  7. Constituciones de América y Europa
  8. Constituciones del mundo
  9. Constituciones políticas
  10. Human Rights Library
  11. International Law Resources on the Web
  12. International Law Resources
  13. Recopilación cronológica de códigos
  14. Recursos de Derecho en el Mundo (U.C.R.)
  15. Recursos de Derecho en la WWW (U,A,M.esp.)
  16. Recursos temáticos en Derecho (U.Alcalá,es.)
  17. Recursos Internet.Derecho (U.Valladolid)
  18. Roman Law Resources
  19. United Nations Materials
  20. World Wide Constitutions


  1. Athena Links with Literature & Books
  2. CSIL Reference~Literary Criticism (College Staten Island)
  3. ColoStateUniv Library:Literary Criticism Resources (Colorado State U)
  4. Children's Literature WebSites
  5. Det virtuella biblioteket-WWW-lankar
  6. English and General Linguistics TU Berlin
  7. French Language & Literature Resources
  8. German literature on line
  9. HAPAX:French Resources on the Web
  10. Humanities & Literature Resources on the Web
  11. Library Resources in Literary Criticism (Maxwell Lib.)
  12. Links to Translation Studies Resources
  13. Literary Criticism Sources
  14. Literary Theory Page
  15. Literature Resources
  16. Littérature francaise
  17. Littérature francaise en ligne
  18. Lit.Resources--Feminism and Women's Literature
  19. Literary Criticism (Alexander Meck Lib.)
  20. Literary Criticism of Feminist Speculative Fiction
  21. Literary Criticism (Waycross College)
  22. Literary,Cultural Theory Resources
  23. Literary Resources on the Net (U.Pennsilvania)
  24. Literaturtheorie
  25. Literature Resources on the Web
  26. Literature Resources on the Net
  27. Literature Sites
  28. Literature and Literary Criticism
  29. Medieval and Rennaisance Literature & Literary Criticism
  30. MEL: Period Literature Resources
  31. On-Line Literary Resources
  32. On-line Literary Resources: Theory
  33. Online Literary Criticism Guide ( U.Michigan)
  34. El Oteador.Literatura y textos electrónicos
  35. Renaissance Literature
  36. Recursos Internet.Literatura
  37. Romantic Literature Resources
  38. RWU-Literature Resources on the Web
  39. The Literary World Online
  40. The UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource
  41. Western World Literature and Literary Criticism


  1. History of Mathematics
  2. Links to Other Mathematical Resources (Cornell U.)
  3. Mathematics Internet Resources:LSU Webliography
  4. Mathematics Archives WWW Server
  5. MathEd:Mathematical Educational Resources
  6. SciEd:Science and Mathematics Education Resources
  7. The Geometry Center Welcome Page
  8. Yahoo!Science Mathematics


  1. Aquatic Science and Oceanography Resources (U.Georgia)
  2. List of Oceanography Resources
  3. Marine-Oceanographic & Freshwater Resources
  4. Oceanography
  5. Oceanography & Marine Resources
  6. Oceanography Group Resources
  7. Oceanography Resources
  8. Oceanographic Resources on the Internet
  9. Oceanographic Web Resources
  10. Oceanography Resources on the World Wide Web
  11. WWW Resources in Oceanography
  12. Science Resources-Oceanography and Earth Sciences
  13. SciCentral:Best Oceanography Online Resources
  14. World Wide Guide to Oceanography


  1. Arbeitgemeinschaft philosophischer Editionen-AgphE-Elektronische Texte (U.Dusseldorf)
  2. Guides to Philosophy Resources on the Internet
  3. Multilingual Philosophy Etexts (U Potsdam)
  4. Multilingual Philosophy Etexts
  5. Philosophy Etexts on the Web
  6. Philosophy on Cyberspace
  7. Philosophy Internet Resources List (ACU)
  8. Philosophy:Internet Resources (UDEL)
  9. Philosophy Internet Resources (Olemiss)
  10. Philosophy Etexts at Public Sphere
  11. Philosophy Etexts San Anselm College)
  12. Resources for Philosophy on the Internet


  1. Atomic and Nuclear Physics
  2. Nuclear Physics Resources on the Web (Rutgers)
  3. On.line Physics Resources (Harvard-Smithsonian)
  4. Physics Web Resources
  5. Physics Resources
  6. Physics Library-Nuclear Physics
  7. SciCentral:Best Nuclear Physics and Enfineering Online Resources
  8. UCL:Physics Internet Resources


  1. Counseling & Mental Health Resources
  2. No title (Psychoanalysis)
  3. Psychologists
  4. Psychology Resources for Students of Psychology at Frances Marion University
  5. Psychology Resources (INS)
  6. Psychology Internet Resources (Rhodes)
  7. Psychoanalysis
  8. PsychREF-Resources in Psychology on the Internet
  9. Psychology & Medicine Online Resources
  10. PsicoNet (cursos)
  11. Resources for Psychology and Cognitive Sciences


  1. Internet Resources--Linguistics/Languages
  2. Linguistics,Internet Resources,FHG Library,WestChester University
  3. Linguistic Resources:Topical Listings
  4. Semiotics Resources
  5. Internet Resources-Linguistics/Languages (U.York)
  6. (No title) Linguistic Resources
  7. Semiotics for Beginners: Index
  8. Semiotics (U de Colorado)
  9. Semiotics (U Colorado at Denver)
  10. Sites of Significance for Semiotics (U. Toronto)
  11. Widok>Forschungsgebiete>Semiotik
  12. Discourse analysis. Resources
  13. French Studies U of Waterloo
  14. Roland Barthes resources
  15. Semiology-Barthes Theories
  16. Semiotica
  17. Semiotics-related Web Sites
  18. Sémiotique


  1. Anthropologie, Ethnologie et Sociologie
  2. ASA Section on Marxist Sociology
  3. Classical Political Theory Web Sites
  4. Conflictnet
  5. Cultural Studies Central
  6. Culture Resources
  7. Cultural & Critical Theory
  8. European Political Resources
  9. European Political Resources (Berkeley)
  10. Foundations of Political Theory
  11. GUS World Cultures Center
  12. General Sociological Resources (Lois)
  13. General Sociological Resources (Ryerson)
  14. General Sociological Resources (Wallace)
  15. History and Political Sciences Resources (Ashland)
  16. History and Political Science Resources on the Internet
  17. Humanities and Social Sciences Resources
  18. Internet Resources in Political Science
  19. Internet Resources in Sociology
  20. Internet Resources in Sociology (U. Michigan)
  21. Internet Resources for politics of Democratisation
  22. Links to Sociological Resources
  23. Methodology Social Sciences
  24. OSU Library WWW Resources
  25. Other useful sites (U.of Cambridge)
  26. Political Science Resources at the University of California San Diego
  27. Political Science Resources-R.T.Williams LRC-SNU
  28. Political Science Resources
  29. Politics-Europe
  30. Political Philosophy/Political Theory on the Internet
  31. Political Science Resources/Political Theory
  32. Political Theory and Criticism
  33. Political theory resources
  34. Political Theory Resources (Colorado)
  35. Political Theory Resources on the Web
  36. Postmodern Tought
  37. Progresive Sociology Network
  38. PS1:Web Resources
  39. PSN Seminars on Line:Sociology
  40. Public Sphere Philosophical Resource Centre
  41. Postmodernism and Postmodern Theorists:Essays at Public Sphere
  42. Roux Library-History and Political Science Resources
  43. Science Politique
  44. Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center
  45. Social Science Resources (Anselm)
  46. Social Sciences Resources (Yale)
  47. Sociology
  48. Sociology Mega-Sites
  49. Sociology Related Links (U.Colgate)
  50. Sociological Perspective-A Tour-
  51. Sociological Resources (U.Mass. Amherst)
  52. Sociological Resources (U.Berkeley)
  53. Sociological Resources on the Web (Wilkes)
  54. SOCSTUDY:Social Sciences Links
  55. WWW Resources-Sociology
  56. WWW Resources for Political Scientists (U.Boulder,Colorado)


  1. Astronomy Resources Home Page
  2. Astronomy Resource (Leeds)
  3. Astronomy Resource Page (Hubble Space Telescope)
  4. Internet Resources for the Space Sciences
  5. NASA Space Life Sciences-Internet Resources
  6. Physics and Astronomy Learning Resources
  7. SciCentral:Best Astrophusics & Relativity Online Resources
  8. SciCentral:Best Earth and Space Sciences Online Resources
  9. Science Resources-Astronomy and Space Sciences


  1. General Zoology.Subject.Trees & Indexes
  2. NMNH.Smithsonian Institution
  3. Other Interesting Zoology Links
  4. Useful Zoology links to WWW sites
  5. Virology, Microbiology, Botany and Zoology Resources for Biologists
  6. Wits Zoology Biology Links
  7. Zoology's Resources Page @UNITRA
  8. Zoology Links
  9. Zoology Links to Other Sites (U.of Toronto)
  10. Zoology Links,Sites,Pages
  11. Zoology Webspace

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